Governmental law is a challenging and exciting area of legal practice. It not only requires commanding a broad range of legal subject matter, but also having keen instincts and working well with others. We understand the inner workings of state and local government provide practical advice for pursuing client interests and the public good.
Running a government organization is a complex affair. Staff and public officials have to comply with a tangled web of legal rules: from sunshine laws, to charter and ordinance requirements, to arcane rules of parliamentary procedure. These rules can be traps for the unwary, creating problems for organizations that fail to address them proactively. We help clients develop smooth and compliant procedures for conducting public business. With planning, government organizations can avoid procedural pitfalls and focus on the matters most important to constituents.
Elections are at the heart of democratic governance. Nick has extensive experience in counseling clients on elections and political issues. He has represented government entities and political actors on matters including initiated legislation, petitions to recall elected officials, political party governance, and the redistricting process.
Government organizations must be mindful of the constitutional rights of their citizens. Those rights come into play in many contexts, from police procedures, to speech regulation, to religious displays and invocations. Nick is fascinated with constitutional law and keeps up to date with its ever-changing rules. He is well versed in the First Amendment’s free speech, free exercise, and establishment clause jurisprudence.
One of the most important roles of local government is to facilitate orderly and sustainable development that serves the community’s needs. We advise clients regarding the numerous legal tools that can achieve these goals. Nick has helped clients with master planning, zoning ordinance development, brownfield and tax incentives, and a broad range of other community development strategies. Nick’s writings on zoning and land use have been published in statewide legal journals, and he has spoken at several conferences on zoning-related topics.